Offer for Companies
Let's combine powers for the better of our businesses and outdoor community
Managing editor of, cyclist from the Dolomites, kayaker from Karelia
— Hello,

My name is Ivan. I'm the managing editor of

This is professional weather app for all water and wind sports: sailing, surfing, kayaking, fishing, cycling and other. It is free, and we have PRO version with more useful tools, for example, real-time wind data from weather stations near to you. 70 000 people reviewed us 4,5*. Inside the app there is the largest kite and windsurfing community in Europe.

I'd like to offer a cooperation to combine our powers for the better of our businesses and outdoor community.

There are 4 particular things you can get and give in return:
What You Will Get
Sponsorship direct link to any page on your website in the Spot's page in the app. That also means that all users (visitors) on the spot will get all features of the Windy. PRO, even if they do not use the PRO.
Story about your company in our blog, social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), newsletter in a monthly selection of best companies in the spot or the region.
Adding your company to our "Special Offers" section in the app and in the "3 Best Companies" in the same section on the website (there only 3 companies).
Ask any details about this offer, share it with other companies, start using for free, read Guide to the app, give feedback to
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