Quiz: Devils
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Small vortices in the atmosphere occur because
«Since the flow speed changes quite sharply at a short distance, each air particle is accelerated at one side and slowed down at the other. As a result, the particles rotate (shown by the red arrows in the figure) and a vortex is formed».
«Since the flow speed changes quite sharply at a short distance, each air particle is accelerated at one side and slowed down at the other. As a result, the particles rotate (shown by the red arrows in the figure) and a vortex is formed».
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Devils are
«There are also fire, ash, snow and other "devils". All these are small whirlwinds that lift particles of different origin (dust, sand, snow, ashes, etc.) from the ground».
«There are also fire, ash, snow and other "devils". All these are small whirlwinds that lift particles of different origin (dust, sand, snow, ashes, etc.) from the ground».
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The typical «dust devil» most often occurs
«The name was first given to the dust devil, often occurring in deserts, and anywhere in general in hot, cloudless weather, when the ground gets very hot».
«The name was first given to the dust devil, often occurring in deserts, and anywhere in general in hot, cloudless weather, when the ground gets very hot».
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