How well do you know meteorology?
Cold or warm front? Heavy rain or drizzle?
Check your knowledge of basic meteorology!
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Let's start with the basics. Which air is lighter?
Sure. Warm air is lighter so it rises.
Ooops! Warm air is lighter so it rises.
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A little harder. Again, which air is lighter?
Yes! Small molecular weight of water makes humid air lighter.
No! Small molecular weight of water makes humid air lighter.
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Ok. Cold air mass moving on warm air mass. What is it?
No way.
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What stratification is better for paragliding?
No. During unstable days warm upward flows in such air provide good conditions for soaring - particularly for paragliding.
Yes! Although instability is associated with a large number of different incidents, warm upward flows in such air provide good conditions for soaring - particularly for paragliding.
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Which breeze doesn't exist?
Wrong answer. All of the listed breezes exist. A breeze appears if the air heats in one place more than in another.
Wrong answer. All of the listed breezes exist. A breeze appears if the air heats in one place more than in another.
Wrong answer. All of the listed breezes exist. A breeze appears if the air heats in one place more than in another.
Sure! You don't miss a trick.
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Describe the Coriolis force.
Wrong 🤔
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Find the odd one out.
Right answer. AROME is a local weather forecast model. ECMWF, ICON and GFS are global models.
Wrong answer. AROME is a local weather forecast model. ECMWF, ICON and GFS are global models.
Wrong answer. AROME is a local weather forecast model. ECMWF, ICON and GFS are global models
Wrong answer. AROME is a local weather forecast model. ECMWF, ICON and GFS are global models
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The sky is covered with low gray clouds. What to expect?
No. Heavy rain comes from cumulonimbus clouds ("сlouds with vertical growth"). On the picture there are stratus clouds which usually lead to drizzle.
Sure. These are stratus clouds which usually lead to drizzle.
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Isobars are close to one another. What does it mean?
No. Isobars reflect air pressure, not air temperature. Air tends to move to a lower pressure area using the shortest way - at a right angle to the isobar. The higher the pressure difference between the two areas, the higher the wind speed.
No. Isobars reflects air pressure, not precipitation. Air tends to move to a lower pressure area using the shortest way - at a right angle to the isobar. The higher the pressure difference between the two areas, the higher the wind speed.
Sure! Air tends to move to a lower pressure area using the shortest way - at a right angle to the isobar. The higher the pressure difference between the two areas, the higher the wind speed.
No. Isobars reflect air pressure. Air tends to move to a lower pressure area using the shortest way - at a right angle to the isobar. The higher the pressure difference between the two areas, the higher the wind speed.
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How do you call tropical cyclones which form over the western Pacific?
No. Hurricanes are tropical cyclones formed over the Atlantic Ocean or in the east of the Pacific, in the tropical latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.
Tornadoes are not cyclones.
Sure! Typhoons form over the western Pacific and reach the Far East and South East Asia.
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Perhaps you are here by chance?
Most likely, you will not be able to predict rain by the shape of clouds. But it is commendable that you decided to take the quiz!
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You are a beginner in meteorology
Most likely, you do not use the barometer every day, but you already look at the shape of the clouds. By the way, to enhance your knowledge - subscribe to our weekly newsletter «Simple Meteorology Lessons».

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You have a strong base!
Perhaps you use barometer every day. By the way, to enhance your knowledge - subscribe to our weekly newsletter «Simple Meteorology Lessons».

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Perhaps you check several weather forecast models at once every day to make the right decisions.
Admit it: did you study meteorology by yourself or did you read all of our «Simple Meteorology Lessons»?

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