Quiz: kite tricks
Do you know your way around kite tricks? Are you sure you can tell a Board off from a Raley? Let's go then!
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Let's start with the basics
No, heelside is a classic position when the heels are closer to the water.
No, blind is when you turn around your front arm and ride on the front edge of the board backwards. However, if the girl in the picture rode in the same position, but to the right, it would be a blind.
Nope. Wrapped is a 360-degree turn around the back arm, as if your hand wrapped around the body, and the board travels across the water with the back edge. You can't really go far in this position, so wrapped is mostly about landing.
Absolutely right! In toeside the kiter turns 180 degrees, the back arm usually stays on the bar and the kiter continues to travel on the front edge of the board.
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You've probably seen this element before
Easy! Board off is one of the most recognizable elements in kiteboarding!
Not really. In one foot the kiter only pulls one leg out of the straps.
No. In dead man the rider releases the bar with both hands and the feet go above his head, while the board stays put.
Well, no. In inverted front roll the feet go above the head and a 360-degree forward turn is performed.
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This is the very first trick unhooked, but one of the most beautiful and spectacular
Close, but no. In shifty the rider makes something similar to a raley, but the board in the air doesn't slide back in stays at the rider's level and turns slightly towards the front roll.
Absolutely! Everyone loves the raley for its beauty and simplicity!
Not really. Hinterberger is already a combination of a raley and a back roll, but it's definitely not it in this pic ;)
Wrong. Scarecrow sounds dangerous, but it's just a front roll from toeside.
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There are even competitions in honor of this trick!
Not really. Kite loop is, of course, part of the mega loop, but the latter is different due to its amplitude – besides, the kite loop is done at the highest point of the jump.
No. It's in fact the name of a competition where this element is especially appreciated.
Yeah, mate! And if the kite reaches the rider level or even lower, it will be the maximum style!
Nah, boogie loop is a kite loop with a front roll, and here the rider's flying straight.
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Everyone loves that trick, what is it?
No, there is no such trick.
Nope, that doesn't exist.
No, jibe is just a turn from toeside to heelside or vice versa.
Oh yeah, that's darkslide!
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Now, what is this?
No, back roll is a back spin.
Of course! Turning forward - it's the front roll!
Nope. S-bend is a combo of a raley and a front roll, and that's definitely not it in the pic.
Vulcan is a front roll with a toeside landing, and there's a heelside landing in the pic.
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It's been a very popular trick lately, but not everyone knows what it's called.
Well done!
Cold. Superman is a whole new ballgame
Close, but the right name is hand drag.
The slide is, of course, across the water, but the correct name is hand drag.
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Something harder now — handle passes
That's not it. S-Mobe is also a front roll with a handle pass in the other direction like the slim chance, but its peculiarity is that the board doesn't go inverted, that is, below the rider's head.
No. The slim chance is really easy to confuse with the KGB, but the KGB starts with a back roll, and if the rider is right-handed (passes the bar from right hand to left hand), then the KGB is done to the right.
Yes! Slim chance - an inverted front roll with a handle pass in the opposite direction.
Oops. If it was the front mobe, the rider on the left tack would have passed the bar from left hand to right hand.
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Moving on to something as exciting — grabs! Hint, the rider jumps to the left.
No. In nose grab the front hand is at the nose of the board and here it's the tail.
No. In tail grab the back hand grabs the tail of the board and here it's the front hand.
No, in crail grab the back hand grabs the nose of the board — here it's the other way around. If the rider jumped to the right, it would really be the crail grab!
How awesome you are! The front hand grabs the tail of the board — it's the seat belt indeed.
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Last one — with a twist
It really is the air pass, but without the board off
Way to be! It's a handle pass and a rodeo (when the board is clamped between the legs).
Nice try, but no. There's no such trick.
Nope. In varial flip the board is twisted with a foot and makes a flip 180 like on a skateboard.
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Looks like you're not a kiter.
You probably don't ride and don't know your way around tricks yet. That's OK, open Windy.App, go to the Special Offers, find the nearest kite school and sign up!
Looks like you're a beginner or not interested in freestyle, so the world of tricks is in store for you. Go to Windy.App and we'll teach you to use the forecast to find the best training conditions.
Experienced rider!
You're very good at tricks, but there's still room. I'm sure you check the forecast a few times a day and dart off to ride whenever possible
You're a PRO!
You're very good at tricks, probably can do most of the above and can't live without riding. Go to Windy.App, here's your promo code for 1 month PRO account: kitequiz. Enter the promo code here.